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Carrie Gervais
Speech Teacher
Ashton Perry
ELL Teacher
Christy Reeves
Special Ed Resource Teacher
Jordain Tribble
Special Ed Resource Teacher
Olivia Waddell
Special Ed Resource Teacher
Lindsey Woodis
Special Ed Resource Teacher
Amanda Childers
Instrucational Aide
Lynne Hose
Instructional Aide
Kaitlyn McNaughton
Instructional Aide
Wanda Myers
Instructional Aide
Shannon Sylvester
Instructional Aide
Maria Tyler
Instructional Aide
Joyce Howland
Behavior Technician
Suzanne Brooks
Intervention Teacher
Patsy Godsey
Intervention Teacher
Wendy Gordon
Intervention Teacher
Brandy Lovell
PreK Lead Teacher
Lane Romine
Pre-K Auxiliary Teacher
Ericka Zirbel
Pre-K LeadTeacher
Hollie Liverett
PreK Auxiliary Teacher